COVID-19 Safety Measures
Your health and safety is our first priority, so things may be a bit different when returning.
What you can expect from us:
• Practitioners and patients will be pre-screened for risk-factors prior to appointments, either by email or in-person.
• Practitioners will be wearing PPE masks and gloves, as well as increasing cleaning protocols (frequent hand washing, sanitizing the clinic and treatment tables, etc).
• Scheduling frequency has been reduced to 1 patient every 45 minutes to decrease flow and allow transition time between appointments, with a strong emphasis on physical distancing.
What we expect from you:
• Arrive on time for appointments. However, please do not come too early as we are attempting to avoid usage of the reception area as much as possible.
• One way traffic – enter from the front, and exit through the back. Please follow arrows on the floor to help guide flow of traffic.
•Please “check out” with payments upon entering so we are able to maintain our flow of traffic safely after your treatment has completed.
• Please wear PPE masks to your appointments.
• Please do not come to your appointment if you are feeling ill, presenting with any flu-like symptoms, have travelled in the past 14 days or been around anyone with a confirmed case of COVID-19.
• Please use hand sanitizer before and after every appointment.
• Please inform the front desk, prior to your appointment, if you need to bring someone with you to provide assistance. This allows us to accommodate you and prepare for your visit.
• Please be cognizant and maintain a 2-meter distance from others in the clinic.
While we are doing everything we can to keep you safe, manual therapy makes it impossible to adhere to physical distancing guidelines therefore please evaluate your own risk tolerance before booking an appointment with us.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation during these tough times,
Warm regards,
The Strike Recovery Team